Vanessa Elliott - Priestley Soundy - Page 2

PriestleySoundy advises Abel Clark on his appointment as CEO of Corsearch

PriestleySoundy advised Abel Clark on his appointment as the new Chief Executive Officer of Corsearch and certain ancillary arrangements. Corsearch is a global leader in the intellectual property (“IP”) services industry.  It provides over 5,000 companies and law firms with data, analytics and services to support them in establishing and protecting their IP rights.  Corsearch


PriestleySoundy advises Senior Management Team of Nucleus

PriestleySoundy is advising Richard Rowney (CEO of Nucleus) and his Senior Management Team in connection with the acquisition of a majority stake in Nucleus by funds and/or accounts managed, advised or controlled by HPS Investment Partners (“HPS”). HPS is joining forces with Epiris to support Nucleus with a shared vision to build the leading retirement-focused